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Tantalum supply from artisanal and small-scale mining: A
2020.12.1 The total number of artisanal miners engaged in coltan or coltan-cassiterite mining in the Great Lakes region is not precisely known; monitoring data by IPIS (2019)
MoreGlobal Supply Chains of Coltan - Moran - Wiley Online Library
2014.10.21 This hybrid LCA case study provides estimates on illicit flows of coltan, estimates a coltan footprint of consumption, and highlights the advantages and
MoreThe Dark Side of Technology: Coltan Mining in the DRC and
2023.11.17 Extensive research has linked coltan mining in the DRC to large-scale environmental degradation, with devastating consequences for the region. The Global
MoreColtan from Central Africa, international trade and implications for ...
2012.3.1 Thus, coltan mining in the DRC cannot be isolated from international markets and can hardly be focused on one application only (e.g. mobile phones).
MoreCatalysing Pathways towards a more Positive Future
coltan mining in eastern DRC is artisanal which is where mining is done on a small-scale and without advanced technology and tools (Spira et al. 2019; Usanov et al. 2013).
MoreColtan from Central Africa, international trade and
2012.3.1 The exploitation of coltan in Central Africa can be considered a case of conflict minerals due to its nature. Many international organizations and bodies, national
More2022 Beginner’s Guide about Coltan Mining - Mining-pedia
2022.7.29 Back Coltan is a metal ore containing niobium and tantalum. The relative density of niobite is 5.3~7.3, the Mohs hardness is 4.3~6.5, and the relative density of
MoreThe international trade in conflict minerals: Coltan
2012.5.4 Purpose This paper seeks to explicate issues of harm to humanity caused by the mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) of coltan, a conflict mineral
MoreWhat is Coltan? 6 Facts You Should Know
2023.5.19 1. What is coltan? The mineral coltan is one of the resources that is playing an important role in the technological revolution. Coltan ore itself hosts technology minerals tantalum and...
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MoreWhy it’s hard for Congo’s coltan miners to abide
2021.1.21 For six months mines in eastern Congo were closed, as the authorities grappled with the new rules. Even when they reopened, big companies, such as Intel and Apple, shied away from Congo’s coltan ...
MoreFive things you need to know about coltan - ICIJ
2012.3.4 3. War-torn Central Africa supplies about a fourth of the world market as production declines in Australia, the previous world leader. Most Central African coltan is considered conflict mineral because mining areas are controlled by armed factions and organized crime. It’s the same in the South American jungles where Colombia,
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MoreWhat coltan mining in the DRC costs people and the
2022.5.29 The mineral is refined to tantalum powder, which is used to make heat-resistant capacitors in laptops, cellphones, and other high-end electronic devices. The global coltan market was valued at US ...
More“Les femmes n'ont pas le droit!”: Social and legal exclusions
2022.12.1 Gendered governance of artisanal coltan mining. As highlighted under Title 1, Chapter 1, Article 5 of the Mining Law, pregnant women are prohibited from mining. This includes all roles associated with extraction and trade, including digging, washing, separating and trading. This limitation can easily be interpreted as beneficial, in place to ...
MoreColtan and conflict in the DRC - Democratic Republic of the
2009.2.11 Coltan and conflict in the DRC. A new alliance between the DRC and Rwanda against rebel groups brings new threats and opportunities for peace in the Great Lakes Region, while illegal coltan mining ...
More(PDF) The new kid on the old block: Coltan, conflict-prone minerals ...
PDF On Jun 16, 2015, Fenda A. Akiwumi and others published The new kid on the old block: Coltan, conflict-prone minerals, and post-war reconstruction in Sierra Leone Find, read and cite all ...
Moreen/video metal at main dinglei2022/en
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MoreColtan Earth Sciences Museum - University of Waterloo
6 天之前 Coltan is also produced in Thailand and Malaysia as a by-product of tin mining and smelting; Mining in Congo: Approximately 80% of the world’s supply of Coltan is found in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Coltan is mined by hand in the Congo. Their methods are very similar to how gold was mined in California during the 1800s.
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More第4225回:资源诅咒引发战争,刚果金铌钶钽铁矿矿产稀有 ...
2020.12.2 钶钽铁矿(Coltan化学式:(Fe,Mn) (Ta,Nb)2O6),是非洲口语对钶铁矿-钽铁矿这种复合矿物的称呼。钶钽铁矿是一种含有铌和钽的金属矿。含有钽的精矿一般指的是“钽铁矿”。从外观看,钶钽铁矿是一种暗黑色矿物。值得注意的是,钶钽铁矿的出口是 ...
MoreColtan from Central Africa, international trade and
2012.3.1 Section snippets Profiling coltan. Coltan is a term commonly used to refer to columbite–tantalite, a mineral extracted in Central Africa and belongs to a group that is internationally known as tantalum. 7 This element of the 5th group of the 6th period of the chemical periodical system occurs in the Earth crust with a Coltan mining in the DRC
MoreColtan Mining in Congo: What We Should Know - Global Extraction Networks
With the recent boom in technology prices of Coltan have risen to over $500 per kg, making it even more profitable to mine the mineral. As firms like Samsung, Apple and Sony race to meet demand across the world. To meet this demand, the mineral is often mined in harsh and unhealthy conditions and often relies on child and slave labour in Congo.
MoreWho pays the hidden price for Congo’s conflict-free minerals?
2017.2.14 Artisanal mining is one of the main sources of livelihoods in eastern Congo. Like Valentin, some 240,000 miners work with just picks and shovels, under extreme conditions, to extract valuable minerals, among them coltan. The dark metallic ore contains the commercially important element tantalum, which is extracted and used to make key
Moreen/granite mining at main dinglei2022/en
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MoreLabour, mining, dispossession: on the performance of earth
2019.9.27 As mining began pulling people away from agricultural food production, they wanted to induce control spiritually over the chaos surrounding mining. So they collected and boiled water used in coltan mining with herbs from the forest, ‘domesticating the power of coltan and the medicines simultaneously, in the process equating these
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MoreColtan – ein seltenes Erz mit Konfliktpotenzial SpringerLink
Denn in den ostkongolesischen Provinzen Ituri und Kivu liegen die größten Goldvorräte der Welt, es gibt aber auch Diamanten, Erdöl und eben Coltan. Der Konflikt entwickelte sich in den 1990er Jahren und richtete sich gegen die teilweise schon seit der Kolonialzeit in Kivu lebenden Einwanderer aus Ruanda und Burundi.
MoreColtan child miners: the dark side of the DRC’s wealth
2021.10.11 In 2019, 40% of the global coltan supply was produced in the DRC. As 5G technology rapidly grows, the demand for Congolese coltan will increase. However, much of the country’s coltan is extracted using the labour of over 40 000 children and teenage miners. Coming from remote villages and towns in the Kivu region, these
Morela face cachée de l’abondance du coltan en RDC
Enfants mineurs : la face cachée de l’abondance du coltan en RDC. 2021-10-18. Le coltan est l’un des minerais les plus vitaux au monde, et 60 % des réserves mondiales se trouvent dans la province du Kivu de la
More'Cobalt Red' describes the 'horror show' of mining
2023.2.2 Phone and electric car batteries are made with cobalt mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Cobalt Red author Siddharth Kara describes the conditions for workers as a "horror show."
MoreTantalum supply from artisanal and small-scale mining: A
2020.12.1 For example, major commodity price peaks were the drivers of artisanal mining rushes in the DRC, as illustrated by the expansion of artisanal coltan mining during the tantalum price boom of 2000–2001 (Usanov et al., 2013) and growing artisanal cobalt (-copper) mining during the recent cobalt price boom of 2017–2018 (Rubbers, 2019). By ...
MoreThe new kid on the old block: Coltan, conflict-prone minerals, and
2016.4.1 The Mining Journal Special Supplement views coltan as “the ‘new kid on the block’ on the Sierra Leone minerals landscape” (Mining Journal, 2013, 7) a view endorsed by the Sierra Leone government. Although coltan has only recently entered the public discourse, successive Sierra Leone governments have been aware of its presence.
More(PDF) Mineral extraction in the Democratic Republic of Congo
2021.3.19 The mining extraction of Coltan in the region of North and South Kivu not only violates human rights but has major impacts on the environment, agriculture, technological development, on
MoreRespiratory health of dust-exposed Congolese coltan miners
2018.6.27 Purpose In Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), informal coltan mining has been expanding amidst increased insecurity due to armed conflicts. We investigated the impact of occupational dust-exposure on the respiratory health of Congolese coltan miners. Methods In total, 441 Congolese workers participated in this
MoreThe international trade in conflict minerals: Coltan
2012.5.4 Abstract. Purpose This paper seeks to explicate issues of harm to humanity caused by the mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) of coltan, a conflict mineral used in the manufacture of ...
MoreColtan,Tungsten, TinCommodity Atlas Research Page with
The mining, processing, and selling of coltan/Tantalum, Tungsten, and Tin involves numerous steps and intermediaries as the materials move from a raw good mined from the earth to a refined and processed commodity. The tantalum supply chain begins by accessing the mineral’s raw ore through mining, both artisanal and large scale, or by ...
MoreData Evaluation for Cassiterite and Coltan Fingerprinting
2020.10.19 Within due diligence concepts for raw material supply chains, the traceability of a shipment is a major aspect that has to be taken into account. Cassiterite and coltan are two so-called conflict minerals for which traceability systems have been established. To provide additional credibility to document-based traceability systems the
MoreAddressing Sustainable Management of Natural
2020.4.2 Control over the Coltan ores in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (D.R.C.) has helped to fund domestic militia and foreign armies, prolonging the war crimes and human rights abuses committed there over many years”(Sutherland, 2011). Coltan mining in the D.R.C. is generally a basic process.
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